You need to fuel up your body for each workout, unless you are working out between 6am and 7am. A full stomach can cause you to be distracted during your workout.
When choosing a meal to eat before a workout it is important that you aim for a balanced macronutrient intake. The macronutrients are the dietary compounds the body requires in large amounts to function properly. Their intake is dependent on the intensity of your training, the type of exercise you do and the overall diet.
Three macronutrients:
It is a good idea to use
Macronutrients can all be important sources of energy but they each contribute in a different way to a meal before completing a workout.
Preworkout Meals that contain protein have a significant benefit: they prevent muscle catabolism.
There are two kinds of carbohydrates: complex carbohydrates with a low glycaemic indice and simple carbohydrates that have a high glycaemic indice. Which one is the best pre-workout food?
Timing and Frequency should be closely monitored by athletes and people who are physically active to help them improve their performance. Athletes can increase their energy intake by eating frequently, while reducing gastric discomfort.
Fats digest slowly, despite being high in energy (9kcal per gram). Instead of boosting your energy, fats can make you feel heavy and sluggish.
Eat a healthy source of protein prior to a workout in order to provide your body with the amino acids it needs (branched-chain amino acids, specifically) to help prevent muscle breakdown and to promote muscle growth. Here are some healthy foods high in protein: fish such as salmon, tuna and chicken, as well as nuts, beans and lentils.
Eat complex carbohydrates at least 2-3 hours before the event, and simple carbohydrates between 30-60 minutes beforehand.
Fruits provide the most simple carbohydrates, so eat them before exercising. Bananas contain both potassium and simple carbohydrates.
Drink water and sodium prior to exercising. This will improve fluid equilibrium. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you drink 16-20 ounces of water (0.5-0.6 litris) at least four hours prior to exercise, and 8-12 ounces of water (0.23-0.35 litris) 10-15 minutes before exercising.
Brown rice with chicken
Honey and peanut butter on a bagel/sandwich
Spinach omelette
Porridge oats
Protein Bar
Fruit Smoothies
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.